quinta-feira, 6 de maio de 2010

yes or no to Multiculturalism?

In fact, social exclusion is likely to occur as well as all the problems that come with it: homelessness, unemployment, drug-abuse, and crime among many others. Minorities are required to deny their way of life and conform to the main stream, in the name of integration. Multiculturalism leads to prejudice, bigotry, rejection, discrimination, segregation and racism. But on the other hand, multiculturalism is an asset because you grow up aware of your rights and of other people’s rights and you are offered more opportunities of choice in many aspects of life. Multiculturalism brings with it innovation and cultural vitality, which widens our horizons and enhances our personality and it fosters tolerance, and a wider acceptance of other people’s lifestyles. Integrating into the mainstream doesn’t necessarily mean to give up one’s cultural roots but it really means the acceptance of diversity within a community.
After all it is often very difficult for outsiders to integrate into the mainstream, in spite of the many efforts endeavoured.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

nice post...
Angela Martins