The United states of America are a federal republic presidential.
The country is formed with fifty states and a federal district. The name of the country is frequently called USA or US.
The biggest part of the US is in the middle of North America.
The US celebrat

es the Independence Day in 4 July of 1776, when the thirteen British colonies in the North of America made the Independence Statement and they reject the British authority, and wont the auto determination. This independence was officially recognized by the United Kingdom in the treaty of Paris. The US adopted his actual Constitution in 1789, who developed the basic structure of the American govern. Since that the nation gradually developed him self. Become super-strength after the end of the Second World War and pass to exert a big economic, politic, scientific, technologic, military and cultural influence.
Capitol: Washington DC
City with more persons: New York
Govern: Presidential republic – Barak Obama
Area: 303 007 997 Hab.
Density: 31 hab. /Km²
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