quinta-feira, 29 de abril de 2010

Are you an ordinary consumer or a shopaholic?

What is the difference? To begin, answer to this small test about consumerism. Are you ready?

1. When you earn money, do you save some?

a. Yes
b. No

2. How many times do you buy something, you really don’t need?

a. One or two a month
b. All weeks

3. Is going shopping one of your favourite hobbies?

a. Yes
b. No

4. You see something you like a lot. What do you do?

a. If you can buy, you buy. Or you just leave it for other time
b. Don’t think. You buy this product

5. When you go shopping:

a. You always worry about quality/price
b. Don’t care about the quality or price

6. After buying something you don’t feel good.

a. Rarely
b. Frequently

7. Do you buy something that you don’t use?

a. Rarely
b. Frequently

8. Do you feel anxious before going shopping or crazy after buying your favorite product?

a. Not always
b. Always

9. Do you become jealous when your friend buy something that you like to have?

a. Never
b. Always

10. When you are going in holidays, firstly you:

a. Settle down and take a look around
b. Search for shopping stores and visit them

So, are you a shopaholic or an ordinary consumer?

If you had chosen the majority of answers point a), this means that you are saved, you are aware of what you can / you should buy or not. Unspent money on unnecessary things! You are a conscious consumer.
If, by other hand, you had chosen the majority of answers point b), this means that you should have more attention; you could be buy some products that you don’t really need. You buy for pleasure, for satisfy yours desires. You are a shopaholic. You should be careful!

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

I chose the majority of answers point a). Uf! I'm glad I'm saved.
I always buy everything that I need, I never missed anything. But I never buy needless things. I´m a conscious consumer.

Jorge Borbinha